Address: All Rounder BSS, Ashapura road, near by Shri sai garden, behind Nath ji ka dhuna, Pokhran, Rajasthan 345021
1. The school where student is studying in Class 5 must be in same district as of residential district. (जिस स्कूल में विद्यार्थी कक्षा 5 में पढ़ रहा है/रही हैं वह स्कूल विद्यार्थी के आवासीय जिले में होनी चाहिए।
Address: All Rounder BSS, Ashapura road, near by Shri sai garden, behind Nath ji ka dhuna, Pokhran, Rajasthan 345021
Phone: +91 76108 79108