About Us
Welcome to The All Rounder BSS
"Success is most often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable."
Bhawani Shankar Solanki (Navodaya Alumni) Tweet

Sometimes in childhood we used to think that God has done a great injustice to us by creating us in the house of a poor farmer, because when we used to see in childhood that there are some people who When I used to go to school, on the way I used to see those who sometimes used to leave their children on a motorcycle or in a car and their children used to go to school with a nice dress, very good books and many other things but my father never used to leave me. Couldn’t even pay the fees on time.
Somewhere I felt like my life just couldn’t be good. Will be very bad. Many other things had to be thought inside the mind. But it was not known that only the son of a poor farmer would go into the future and give a good education to every type of children whether poor or rich across the country.
Didn’t even think that there is a lucky one for this poor’s son as well and the same lucky one was Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya which was a Government of India scheme started in 1987. Don’t know when it got connected with my life in 2009 when I appeared for Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya’s entrance exam and got selected for Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Mohangarh, Jaisalmer. After completing it, I came back to the village and told the children here about Navodaya Vidyalaya and after giving them good education, sent them to Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya. Taking the same campaign further, in 2018, I started online coaching for entrance exams like Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya and Sainik School. First of all, I started this coaching on YouTube when I had only four or five subscribers on my channel. Then while doing this, the love of children increased even more, children started liking my videos and while doing this, All Rounder BSS became the number one coaching institute in the country for Navodaya Vidyalaya and Sainik School Entrance Exam.
Why Choose us
All Rounder BSS believes in Smart work and best strategies. We have experienced faculty and also we never compromise with quality of the teaching and content provided for JNVST and AISSEE.
Our Mission
1. Our next mission is to achieve 1M+ Subscribers on YouTube and all the Social Media plateforms. And provide the best knowledge and Education to those Subscribers.
2. Start Studios in maximum villages/cities of the country to spread the name of Navodaya and sainik in all over the country.
Our Visions
Our aim is to bring a new revolution in the country and this revolution should be a new revolution of education in which central government schools like Navodaya Vidyalaya and Sainik School will make a huge contribution. We want that in every village, in every colony, every child should get education, even if in that village, that colony is not able to get good education, there are no good schools or there are many problems, but still the child Our aim is that you can get your education while sitting at home. And our main aim is that every child, every person should be able to take advantage of Navodaya Vidyalaya and Sainik School, which are the plans of the Government of India.
मैंने All Rounder BSS को 2019 में जॉइन किया था और इनके कोर्स के अंदर जो भी मैट्रियल मुझे मिला मैंने बस वही पड़ा और नवोदय विद्यालय 2020 की परीक्षा में मेरा पहली लिस्ट में सिलेक्शन हो गया। धन्यवाद सोलंकी सर धन्यवाद All Rounder BSS

राघव पाटीदार
Selected in JNVST-2020
मैंने All Rounder BSS को 2018 में जॉइन किया था और मुझे सोलंकी सर का पढाया इतना काम आया की मैंने परीक्षा को 2 घंटे की जगह मात्र 1 घंटा 40 मिनट में दे दिया और चयन भी जिले में प्रथम स्थान पर हो गया । धन्यवाद सोलंकी सर धन्यवाद All Rounder BSS

सुनील शर्मा
Selected in JNVST-2019
Solanki सर जब पढ़ाते हैं तो मेरे पापा मम्मी भी अपना सारा काम छोड़ कर उनका विडियो देखने लग जाते हैं हालांकि उन्हें कुछ समझ नही आता लेकिन सर का पढ़ाने का स्टाइल सबको अच्छा लगता हैं। मैंने All Rounder BSS को 2019 में जॉइन किया था और 2021 की परीक्षा में मेरा पहली लिस्ट में सिलेक्शन हो गया।

नरेन्द्र सिंह
Selected in JNVST-2021
सोलंकी सर ने हमें गणित और रीजनिंग बहुत बढ़िया पढाया था और उसी की बदोलत मैंने सैनिक स्कूल की परीक्षा में अच्छा प्रदर्शन कर अपना सिलेक्शन करवा लिया। मेरे पेरेंट्स सोलंकी सर से बहुत खुश हैं। सर की गणित और रीजनिंग के आगे सब फ़ैल हैं। सर जो भी पढ़ाते हैं वो दिल खोलकर पढ़ाते है।

राजीव यादव
Selected in AISSEE 2020
मेरे लिए नवोदय कक्षा 9 की परीक्षा किसी युद्ध से कम नही थी। मेरे जिले में सिर्फ एक ही सीट खाली थी और मैं बिल्कुल हिम्मत हार गयी थी। एक दिन मैंने पूर्णसिंह सर से बात की और सर ने मुझे इतना कॉन्फिडेंस दिया की मैंने आखिर कार वो एक सीट ले ही ली। सर ने मुझे कहा था की सीट की संख्या से कोई फर्क नही पड़ता हैं। हमें बस एक ही सीट चाहिए वो वो मैंने ले ली सर

श्रेया माली
Selected in LEST Class 9 - 2021